B12 injection benefits
Vitamin B12 deficiency is believed to be one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, especially among people taking stomach acid-altering medications and antibiotics frequently, along with the elderly and sometimes vegetarians/vegans.
For this reason, B12 injections are sometimes used to offset the many symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, such as fatigue and weakness, poor moods, and low concentration.
Even more serious is that B12 deficiency can disturb red blood cell formation and elevate homocysteine levels, which negatively impacts neurological and cardiovascular health.
What is B12 injection useful for?
What happens during the treatment?
B12 is administered via a small injection into the muscle of the upper arm. Taking only a couple of minutes.
When will I start seeing results?
You should start to notice a difference after a week, but can take up to 3 weeks to feel full effect.
What are the possible side effects
The main side effect is injection site redness or tenderness.